Saturday, February 29, 2020

Broken Family

A vast majority of my friends, peers, and coworkers have a relationship with at least one parent. It has really caused me to question a lot about my faith, myself, and the fairness of not being able to choose one’s parents. The idea of a parent is a tough one. What does it take to make a parent? What is a good parent and what is a bad parent? Absentee parents fall somewhere in between because even if they live at the same address as their children, they’re emotionally unavailable. According to dictionary. com,  the definition for parent  is: a mother or a father. I’m no expert on the etymology of words, but I think we should redefine parents a bit. A parent is someone who loves, nurtures, and cares for their young. There are plenty of â€Å"parents† in the world who may not have bore children of their body but have certainly bore children of their heart. As a young Christian, I have been tormented by my relationship with my mother and my other family members. Over the years, my relationship with her and my siblings has deteriorated tremendously. On the one hand, Christians are told to be loving. We are to endure with one another and bare with one another. This is noble philosophy and life doctrine but implementation of it is excruciating. How do we know when to â€Å"endure with one and bare with one another† and when to draw the line to protect ourselves from mistreatment? I have grappled with this concept for years. When I have asked my friends their opinion, most of them shrug their shoulders and insist that I have to accept my family how they are. Obviously, these are individuals with relatively functional families. They have no idea what I’m subjecting myself by toughing it out and â€Å"dealing† with some of my relatives. Only until recently has God really started drawing my attention or I’ve been more attentive, to what His word says about parents and baring with them. A few days ago, I read 1 Kings 19: 20-21. It says: â€Å"Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. Let me kiss my father and mother good-by,† he said, â€Å"and then I will come with you. † â€Å"Go back,† Elijah replied. â€Å"What have I done to you? â€Å"†¦. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant. † In this verse, Elisha does not go back to his parents. Instead, he leaves his farming equipment and speeds to follow Elijah. In Hebrews 11:24, the Bible says â€Å"By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. † In reality, Moses was the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter but here’s where the debate on parents comes in. Pharaoh’s daughter had parented Moses as if he were her own son. But Moses refused this tie to the Pharaoh’s daughter. Similarly, Christians are free to cast down false relationship or ties to people by faith. Being cared for as a child is important but it should not be the sole reason why we keep contact with or relate to people that did so. Parenting is so much more that providing for a child. It is having a relationship with a child. I am sure that there are many people who have family problems. Not everyone needs to disown their parents and siblings to deal with it but sometimes it is necessary and even ordained by God. In Genesis 12:1, the Bible says: â€Å"The Lord had said to Abram, â€Å"Leave your country, your people and your fathers’ household and go to the land I will show you. † The very first book in the Bible contains a story where God ordains a mighty man to leave his father’s household. We are not meant to stay with our parents forever. There are plenty of stories throughout the Bible of people being at odds with family members. The story of Joseph is a prime example of sibling rivalry and dissension that leads to Joseph being betrayed and sold into slavery. His brothers were his blood kin but they did not have his best interest at heart. Maybe one way to analyze the story of Joseph is to say that God recognized the jealousy in the brothers of Joseph. Hence, he decided that it was even better for him to be sold into slavery than to live around a den of jealousy amongst â€Å"family ties†. Mothers, you can’t live with ’em and you can’t live without ’em. But God says that He will not leave us even when our mothers do. In my post:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"In my Darkest Hours†¦ â€Å", I discuss the tension that can exist between family in greater depth. That post also talks about God’s response as a loving Father and how He intervenes in these circumstances. How do you define a parent? Have you ever had a really tumultuous relationship with a parent that you couldn’t over come? If you did overcome it, how so? Do you think that God may be calling you to something greater that will draw you away from conventional family ties? When do you bare with a parent, and when is it time to walk away from emotionally abusive relationships? 1. Isang pamilyang di magkasundo o/at magkahiwalay or divorced. 2. Ang broken family ay ung pamilyang nagkawatak watak kaya ngakakaroon ng broken family ay dahil sa ating mga magulang na hindi nagkakaunawaan. . If the father and the mother decided not to stay with each other because of their difference then that’s what you called broken family. News Print Article  Ã‚  |   Ã‚  Email Friend  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Reprint Permissions Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children By Gudrun Schultz UNITED STATES, January 16, 2006 (LifeSiteNews. com) – The U. S Center for Marria ge and Family released a study in November 2005 that shows broken family structures consistently lead to education difficulties for children. When it comes to educational achievement,† the study says, â€Å"children living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children. † The report found that children from non-intact families (children living in a situation other than with their own married father and mother) have significantly higher rates of difficulty with all levels of education, from pre-kindergarten through to primary, secondary, and college-age levels. Each year a child spends with a single mother or stepparent â€Å"reduces that child’s overall educational attainment by approximately one-half year† suggests the report. The study, a comprehensive review of recent academic research on the relationship between family structures and children’s academic performance, compared education outcomes from children growing up with their own married parents to children in non-intact family structures such as divorced, single, remarried or cohabiting parents. Family structure was consistently found to be the deciding factor in a wide range of child behaviors that directly influence academic performance, including emotional and psychological distress, attention disorders, social misbehavior, substance abuse, sexual activity and teen pregnancy. Children from non-intact homes had higher rates of stress, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, particularly as teenagers. The study found that preschool children from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children from intact homes. Children from single-parent homes suffered from more physical health problems, as well. Pre-school children from single-parent homes were also less likely to be read to or given help with letter-recognition. A During elementary school, children from non-intact families scored consistently lower on reading comprehension and math, and had more difficulty maintaining their grade levels overall. Children from married parents had much lower rates of behavioral problems in the classroom than children who did not live with married parents. In particular, boys from broken marriages showed a higher rate of classroom misbehavior. For teenagers, students from broken homes were 30 percent more likely to miss school, be late, or cut class than students from intact homes, in part because single parents had more difficulty monitoring their children. These children were also at higher risk for smoking, using drugs and consuming alcohol. Teenagers from non-intact families were more likely to be sexually active and had higher rates of pregnancy. Girls from divorced single-mother homes were at greatest risk for teenage pregnancy. The study also found that children who were in a single-parent or step-parent home by the time they were ten were more than twice as likely to be arrested by age 14. A Children who never lived with their own father had the highest likelihood of being arrested. The study reports that a majority of U. S. children will have spent a significant part of their childhood in a one-parent home by the time they reach 18. Single parent homes in the U. S. nearly doubled in the period from 1968-2003. Family Structure and Children’s Educational Outcomes: http://www. americanvalues. org/briefs/edoutcomes. htm broken family is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home. Broken Family Broken Family A vast majority of my friends, peers, and coworkers have a relationship with at least one parent. It has really caused me to question a lot about my faith, myself, and the fairness of not being able to choose one’s parents. The idea of a parent is a tough one. What does it take to make a parent? What is a good parent and what is a bad parent? Absentee parents fall somewhere in between because even if they live at the same address as their children, they’re emotionally unavailable. According to dictionary. com,  the definition for parent  is: a mother or a father. I’m no expert on the etymology of words, but I think we should redefine parents a bit. A parent is someone who loves, nurtures, and cares for their young. There are plenty of â€Å"parents† in the world who may not have bore children of their body but have certainly bore children of their heart. As a young Christian, I have been tormented by my relationship with my mother and my other family members. Over the years, my relationship with her and my siblings has deteriorated tremendously. On the one hand, Christians are told to be loving. We are to endure with one another and bare with one another. This is noble philosophy and life doctrine but implementation of it is excruciating. How do we know when to â€Å"endure with one and bare with one another† and when to draw the line to protect ourselves from mistreatment? I have grappled with this concept for years. When I have asked my friends their opinion, most of them shrug their shoulders and insist that I have to accept my family how they are. Obviously, these are individuals with relatively functional families. They have no idea what I’m subjecting myself by toughing it out and â€Å"dealing† with some of my relatives. Only until recently has God really started drawing my attention or I’ve been more attentive, to what His word says about parents and baring with them. A few days ago, I read 1 Kings 19: 20-21. It says: â€Å"Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. Let me kiss my father and mother good-by,† he said, â€Å"and then I will come with you. † â€Å"Go back,† Elijah replied. â€Å"What have I done to you? â€Å"†¦. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant. † In this verse, Elisha does not go back to his parents. Instead, he leaves his farming equipment and speeds to follow Elijah. In Hebrews 11:24, the Bible says â€Å"By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. † In reality, Moses was the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter but here’s where the debate on parents comes in. Pharaoh’s daughter had parented Moses as if he were her own son. But Moses refused this tie to the Pharaoh’s daughter. Similarly, Christians are free to cast down false relationship or ties to people by faith. Being cared for as a child is important but it should not be the sole reason why we keep contact with or relate to people that did so. Parenting is so much more that providing for a child. It is having a relationship with a child. I am sure that there are many people who have family problems. Not everyone needs to disown their parents and siblings to deal with it but sometimes it is necessary and even ordained by God. In Genesis 12:1, the Bible says: â€Å"The Lord had said to Abram, â€Å"Leave your country, your people and your fathers’ household and go to the land I will show you. † The very first book in the Bible contains a story where God ordains a mighty man to leave his father’s household. We are not meant to stay with our parents forever. There are plenty of stories throughout the Bible of people being at odds with family members. The story of Joseph is a prime example of sibling rivalry and dissension that leads to Joseph being betrayed and sold into slavery. His brothers were his blood kin but they did not have his best interest at heart. Maybe one way to analyze the story of Joseph is to say that God recognized the jealousy in the brothers of Joseph. Hence, he decided that it was even better for him to be sold into slavery than to live around a den of jealousy amongst â€Å"family ties†. Mothers, you can’t live with ’em and you can’t live without ’em. But God says that He will not leave us even when our mothers do. In my post:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"In my Darkest Hours†¦ â€Å", I discuss the tension that can exist between family in greater depth. That post also talks about God’s response as a loving Father and how He intervenes in these circumstances. How do you define a parent? Have you ever had a really tumultuous relationship with a parent that you couldn’t over come? If you did overcome it, how so? Do you think that God may be calling you to something greater that will draw you away from conventional family ties? When do you bare with a parent, and when is it time to walk away from emotionally abusive relationships? 1. Isang pamilyang di magkasundo o/at magkahiwalay or divorced. 2. Ang broken family ay ung pamilyang nagkawatak watak kaya ngakakaroon ng broken family ay dahil sa ating mga magulang na hindi nagkakaunawaan. . If the father and the mother decided not to stay with each other because of their difference then that’s what you called broken family. News Print Article  Ã‚  |   Ã‚  Email Friend  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Reprint Permissions Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children By Gudrun Schultz UNITED STATES, January 16, 2006 (LifeSiteNews. com) – The U. S Center for Marria ge and Family released a study in November 2005 that shows broken family structures consistently lead to education difficulties for children. When it comes to educational achievement,† the study says, â€Å"children living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children. † The report found that children from non-intact families (children living in a situation other than with their own married father and mother) have significantly higher rates of difficulty with all levels of education, from pre-kindergarten through to primary, secondary, and college-age levels. Each year a child spends with a single mother or stepparent â€Å"reduces that child’s overall educational attainment by approximately one-half year† suggests the report. The study, a comprehensive review of recent academic research on the relationship between family structures and children’s academic performance, compared education outcomes from children growing up with their own married parents to children in non-intact family structures such as divorced, single, remarried or cohabiting parents. Family structure was consistently found to be the deciding factor in a wide range of child behaviors that directly influence academic performance, including emotional and psychological distress, attention disorders, social misbehavior, substance abuse, sexual activity and teen pregnancy. Children from non-intact homes had higher rates of stress, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, particularly as teenagers. The study found that preschool children from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children from intact homes. Children from single-parent homes suffered from more physical health problems, as well. Pre-school children from single-parent homes were also less likely to be read to or given help with letter-recognition. A During elementary school, children from non-intact families scored consistently lower on reading comprehension and math, and had more difficulty maintaining their grade levels overall. Children from married parents had much lower rates of behavioral problems in the classroom than children who did not live with married parents. In particular, boys from broken marriages showed a higher rate of classroom misbehavior. For teenagers, students from broken homes were 30 percent more likely to miss school, be late, or cut class than students from intact homes, in part because single parents had more difficulty monitoring their children. These children were also at higher risk for smoking, using drugs and consuming alcohol. Teenagers from non-intact families were more likely to be sexually active and had higher rates of pregnancy. Girls from divorced single-mother homes were at greatest risk for teenage pregnancy. The study also found that children who were in a single-parent or step-parent home by the time they were ten were more than twice as likely to be arrested by age 14. A Children who never lived with their own father had the highest likelihood of being arrested. The study reports that a majority of U. S. children will have spent a significant part of their childhood in a one-parent home by the time they reach 18. Single parent homes in the U. S. nearly doubled in the period from 1968-2003. Family Structure and Children’s Educational Outcomes: http://www. americanvalues. org/briefs/edoutcomes. htm broken family is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Arabic Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Arabic Culture - Essay Example The cultural identities of individuals are strong elements that considerably influence their ideologies and general mode of behaviour. The cultural paradigms of social structure become critical aspects of national identities and therefore important issue within state. Thus, media, especially the role of television in defining the cultures of Arab world and American society is important facet in the contemporary times. There is vast difference in the television programs of Arabs and America. While television is a popular media in the Arab world, the programs of the televisions are focused on the family lives and promote the Arab culture. They highlight obedience amongst children and emphasize the importance of religion within the society, showcasing family values and religious beliefs for leading a model life. The conservative values of Arab societies with parental control over children are vastly different to that of American television programs. American culture promotes individualism and highlights the independent views of the individuals. The American television programs also showcase the American liberal views vis-Ã  -vis personal views on all issues including sex, sports, fashion, religion etc. The liberal view of American society was not approved by the conservative muslin society of the Arab world. Hence, government control over foreign TV channels was applied in the Arab nations till a f ew years back. But in the recent times, the globalization has brought in new changes within the media and made foreign television channels like MTV popular amongst the youth in Arab. The American music channel in the Arab nations has introduced popular pop culture within the native music which has become instant hit with the young. Most importantly Arab television programs in the Middle Eastern societies are promoting democratic values and freedom of press. Al Jazeera is prime example of TV channel that brings forth critical issues of society and also that of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Is the Body Beautiful a guarantee for Happiness Essay

Is the Body Beautiful a guarantee for Happiness - Essay Example This ‘ideal’ image is usually defined as someone of a mid-20ish age, slender, with specific measurements and a certain good-looking charm. This limited view of the ideal automatically eliminates anyone who might have been born with a larger bone structure or other ‘defect’ that defies the reshaping of the scalpel from the ranks of the socially acceptable. Through the reality shows, though, those lucky few who are able to fit the ideal in any way, to attain the ‘body beautiful’, much is made of their subsequent happiness and success as a result of their ‘improved’ appearance. ASPS president Rod Rohrich pointed to the various individuals taking part in plastic surgery reality television indicating that many of them have unrealistic and unhealthy expectations for the results.1 It is perceived through these types of presentations that the only way to find happiness and fulfillment is through the construction of the ‘body beautiful ’, causing an extreme focus on the outward appearance many times to the detriment of the inner being. However, the question that must be asked in this scenario is: Does the body beautiful actually guarantee an individual the happiness they seek? From our earliest history, it has been through our outward appearances that we project who and what we are to other people. Studies have continuously shown that people dress a certain way and acquire certain things to try to evince an attitude of belonging to a particular subset of individuals who embody their ideals.2 With these outward appearances in hand, we can walk up to the ‘in crowd’ and proclaim ourselves a member. â€Å"Indeed Smith (1990) believes that women view their bodies as ‘objects of work’ requiring attention and upkeep in order to operate well and promote the desired effect.†3 Yet being a part of this crowd does not necessarily guarantee happiness as is evidenced by the lives of those people who help to set the standards, the movie stars